Top: World's first 360-degree Panorama of Ushguli, Svaneti, Georgia, Feb 24/2009, from 12 separate photos...

Thursday 26 February 2009

New Letterhead!

I changed the letterhead as soon as this was ready.  I'd been waiting for the sky to have just the right amount of cloud - none = boring; too much = , well, too much.  Took a few hours' PhotoShopping to get it from 11 digital frames, shot from my secret location, to one panorama, then add text and tweak it.  The original is over 80 MPixels in size, and likely the first 360-degree panorama ever taken of Ushguli.  Here (in this post, above) is a larger version if you want to save it - click once on it and you can.

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