Top: World's first 360-degree Panorama of Ushguli, Svaneti, Georgia, Feb 24/2009, from 12 separate photos...

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Time to post some more images from Ushguli's late winter/early spring, among the last before I left in late April.

Top to bottom:
Snow in our yard covering the fence, as the Rustavi 2 TV guys were arriving. MORE snow! Enough already!
Tyre fire as an attempt to melt some more of the massive ice canal from my last posted photos. Environment says, "Thanks a LOT."
Horseshoeing. Ross M, these people REALLY need your help. So do about 100 horses in the village.
Making a twig broom. Free, quick and multi-useful. Just keep it away from the cows, for whom it's a tasty hors d'oeuvre (did I spell that right?).

the w()rd: Ushguli on Squidoo!

Well, go to to see. Trying another way to get the word out about Ushguli.