Top: World's first 360-degree Panorama of Ushguli, Svaneti, Georgia, Feb 24/2009, from 12 separate photos...

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

the W( )RD: There and back again

Dear viewers,
When I am offered a chance to go to Svaneti, I usually take it, especially when it's for free, as my last trip has been. There was short notice, and I'm currently stabilising my living situation in Tbilisi, including internet access; so there wasn't even a good opportunity to warn you that I'd be away from the Internet and the blog for a whole week.
I just got back last night from Ushguli - from there to here by minivan in 13 hours, not bad! 6 rolls of film, a number of short video clips on my cellphone, and a few cellphone snapshots as well. (Gotta work on getting those video clips onto youtube so I can link them to the blog too... the video collection is growing.) I've been on (Georgian) Rustavi 2 TV's Morning Show as well, and apparently will be on again, as I was interviewd in Ushguli 2 days ago.
Still scanning and editing the 7 rolls of film from my July '07 walk through Svaneti! (Including a 360-degree panorama from an Ushguli summit, my first such panorama. 17 shots to stitch together, max print size at 300 dpi: c. 4 m long.... Am I showing my forgetfulness by repeating what I've written about earlier? Ah well.)
Stay tuned from now for daily posts - I'm back in business.

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