The inside of a water mill used to grind grain into flour. These are common in Svaneti.
This is one of many pictures which I had rejected years ago when all I had to go by was a print from the negative. A SCAN from the negative, however, is a different story.
I'd never seen undried dates until this greenhouse in rural Samegrelo. So THIS is what they look like! So soft and squishy they could almost fall apart. They'll soon turn dark brown with a natural sugar coating and be magnificently ready to consume.
How to capture something different in such a potentially cliched subject? Go for the macro shot again, and get some of the rich detail, not worrying about getting great depth of field. This allows me to concentrate myself and the viewer on what I feel is important in the picture.
This extreme closeup is a good example of my philosophy in macro work. Hand-held; aperture wide open for a fast enough shutter speed; minimal depth of field thus; and careful choice of what will be in focus, because most of the photo won't. I'm subconsciously asking myself, How little of a frame needs to be in focus for a successful picture to result? Very little, possibly.
Living in St P from 1992-99 was a real adventure. A beautiful city, but the weather was typical of a far northern swamp. Countless visits to the Hermitage. Footsteps of Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment". Architecture to dwarf the soul and then exalt it. Beyond that, soul-destroying concrete jungle, only the interiors of apartments betraying their inhabitants' personalities. I loved it and was prepared to stay for much more than the 7 years I had - but all the time the Caucasus was pulling my attention south as well.
My first visit to the USSR coincided with the beginning of its end. Having gone into the centre of Moscow to finish a roll of film on this day, I found myself scrambling for more film as history unfolded itself around me. I didn't speak any Russian then, and had to ask others in the crowd what was going on. "Gorbachev's been taken ill," I was told.
I don't consider myself a strong journalist, but this was an event which required the role, so I photographed what I could. More to follow from these frames later.
What have the decades passing under these figures given them to talk about? Plenty, I'l bet. From Freud to Fuehrer...
This is Mestia, capital town of Svaneti province, an area famous for its many ancient watchtowers. From my first visit there, in August 1999. At the end of that year I moved to Georgia, and have since travelled to Svaneti many more times, becoming somewhat a Svan fanatic in the process.
2009-10 - A Traveling Landscape Exhibition - 4 photographs of mine in a group show: BACHMODERN Project, 24 November - 18 December 2009, Neutorstrasse 32k, 5020 Salzburg, Austria; 7-27 May 2010, Mediterranean University Campus, Antalya, Turkey: AnthonyHanmer.pdf www.bachmodern.com
2009 - Kolga.ge Book & travelling Tbilisi Exhibition, 1 entry, nominated for Best Portrait2009 - Association of Photographers (AOP) Open Exhibtion/Catalogue, 1 entry, inclusion in AOP magazine article, London, UK
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